Why Craniosacral Therapy?
What is it, who is it for & what might it help you with?

Louise Klarnett RCST BCST
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist
In my mid-20s I experienced craniosacral therapy as a case study for a friend and it became the most effective form of treatment for my body when dealing with injuries and emotional issues. As a dance artist I am fascinated by the body, and always work with the health that is available for my clients. Craniosacral therapy and my movement and dance practice are closely entwined.
I began my formal training at CTET, the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust in London in 2018 with an initial introductory course. I then took the Living Anatomy course and subsequently the practitioner training programme, graduating in 2021. I completed training in October 2021 and 2024 in working with pregnancy, mothers and babies led by Ian Wright and Mary Bolingbroke, and training in working with pregnancy, mothers and babies in March 2022 led by Sarah Nesling and Penel Meredith.
I have been a tutor for Body College Low Cost Community clinic since February 2023 supporting second year students treating members of the public. In Spring 2025 I will be joining the tutor team for their practitioner training.
Further professional training has included Headaches and Migraines; Sleep; Reseach in Cranial Therapy, Brian Isbell for ICrA; Waking Up The Body, Skills for Dissociation, Steve Haines; The Significance of Polyvagal Theory for Touch and Somatic Therapies, Dr Stephen Porges; Death and Dying, Mary Bolingbroke. Potency, Perception & Presence, Ian Wright; Birth energy: igniting our will to live, Katherine Uljeka; Palpation Skills, Mary Bolingbroke and Sarah Nesling; The Flowering of Potential, working with neurodiversity, Ian Wright; Working with Ancestral and Collective Trauma, Mary Bolingbroke and ongoing podcasts, talks, supervision, mentoring and coaching.
Since June 2022 I have been a member of 'Working with the Ancestors' the monthly online group hosted by Mary Bolingbroke, Nicci Parry and Tim Kirkpatrick.
I welcome clients seeking treatment for a wide variety of conditions, those exploring personal development and those wanting to maintain optimal health and vitalit
I am a registered member of The Craniosacral Therapy Association (CSTA)
My training meets the standards of The International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings
I hold insurance with Balens
I have an enhanced DBS certificate & have up to date First Aid training
I am registered with the ICO
You can read a short piece in The Forest Mag about my work here
Illustrations © Zoè Delautre Photography © Laura Zotova
*Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full rate*

Who is BCST for?
BCST is a non-invasive, gentle technique and is safe for all. Pregnant women, babies, children and adults, including the elderly. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
The birth process...
...greatly affects our physical and emotional patterns in life. BCST can support pregnant women, newborns and their families, as well as individuals of all ages, to find more harmony and balance, and help to resolve traumatic experiences held both in the mind and the body.
Louise enjoys treating dancers and offers some discounted treatments. Please contact to discuss.
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on therapy that uses a light touch and whose origins are in the practice of Osteopathy.
The body has self-healing capabilities and is constantly striving for good health. Craniosacral Therapy can facilitate this natural propensity for balance and a feeling of wellbeing in the client. Craniosacral Therapy recognises the interconnection between mind and body.
Craniosacral therapists work with the presence of subtle rhythmic motions that are expressed within the body (particularly the head, spine and pelvis). The free and balanced expression of these subtle motions is related to our state of health and vitality.
In a typical session the client will lie (or sometimes sit) clothed on a treatment couch. The therapist makes contact by gently placing their hands on the client's body and uses a light touch to tune into the subtle motions taking place. The therapist can evaluate if there are any imbalances within the body and use a range of non-invasive therapeutic skills to relax and thereby promote self-healing within the client.
Treatment may support clients experiencing a variety of issues...
Through the gentle, negotiated, relational touch, clients can experience a sense of well-being and relaxation.
CST is based on the principle that by feeling the intrinsic flow of the craniosacral rhythm, the therapist can help relieve any restrictions in the flow of cerebral spinal fluid around the body which may be causing ill health.
To discuss how BCST can help you please get in touch.
Craniosacral therapy is not intended as primary healthcare but to work alongside the relationship you have with your doctor or other health professionals.

Message for further information & appointments
Contact Info
+447884 104681
ACU.E8, Pod 19, The Factory, 21-31 Shacklewell Lane, London, E8 2DA